Now that I’m a self-employed content creator, I have the luxury of 2 weeks off for the Christmas and New Year break – something I didn’t have for the 10 years of working in hospitality and retail. It feels vast in comparison to the odd week I take off throughout the year, giving me time to see family and friends, and to truly catch up on rest.
It’s also the perfect time to consider the year that has passed – what has happened, what you learned – and look to the new year ahead, thinking about what you might like to do in the next 365 days.
In previous years, setting some very specific and clear goals was what I needed to get to where I wanted to be. I prefer things a little looser these days, with no numerical goals or real absolutes. Instead, a slow meander in the right direction, with less pressure, and less disappointment when I don’t reach those lofty goals.
Here’s what I’m hoping for in 2025.
Goal 1: Unapologetically say “no” to things I don’t want to do
Of course, I don’t really want to be paying bills, but some things are sadly unavoidable.
Instead, this refers to the unnecessary things in my life that I don’t actually need to waste my energy on.
I started practising this in December, mostly by saying that I didn’t want to play games and sticking to it, despite protests that it would be fun. Games = fun in so many minds, but not mine, and I’m not sorry. To me, games = stress and anxiety, so I’d rather opt out, and either watch or do something different entirely.
I often find myself making plans and then wishing I hadn’t, which is especially true throughout December when the social occasions ramp up a notch. I had fun at them all, but I also found myself extremely exhausted by the end of the month.
January and February are generally quiet months (especially compared to December) so this shouldn’t be too difficult, and might be a good easing-in period. Instead of saying yes to everything, I’m going to start saying no, or delaying my answer if I’m feeling unsure.
This goal of saying “no” will also stretch into leaving when I’ve had enough, and follows on nicely to my second goal…
Goal 2: Honour my feelings
As a woman, I have been socialised to take care of those around me at all times, often at the expense of my own comfort. Tell ya what – I’m not going to do that anymore… or at least, I’m going to try not to. As with all these goals and changes, I’ll need some practise.
It’s something I have spoken about at length in therapy – not being able to recognise my own feelings and needs, feeling like my feelings and needs are unreasonable, not being able to voice my feelings and needs, and so on.
I’ve been trying to honour myself, my needs and my feelings more with the people who feel safest to me. Each tiny step has felt like a huge challenge, but it is such a wonderful feeling to voice things to people around you and not feel dismissed or disliked (which is what my brain tells me will happen).
My feelings deserve to be honoured. They are not silly, unreasonable, or too much.
Goal 3: Low-spend and no-buy months
I have never been great with money… very much opting for the “money is there for spending” vibe, rather than the “save for a rainy day” one. Most of the time I spend without thinking ahead, and buy when I see something I like, which doesn’t leave me anything to save.
Pivoting my buying habits away from any fast fashion has certainly helped with my consumption, but the problem with buying second-hand and vintage clothing is that I often feel like I have to buy something when I see it, in case I never come across it again.
There is nothing I need to buy – I have plenty of clothes, enough pens and pencils to see me through until at least 2028, and my bookshelf is full.
I can take a coffee and a lunchbox to work with me, I can avoid visiting the charity shops and vintage shops on my lunch breaks, and I don’t have to go to every gig that sounds good.
It’s time to take money more seriously, for some big goals that I’m keeping under wraps for now.
Goal 4: Get fit
I’m keeping this one loose and vague, because in the past, putting numbers on fitness-related stuff has only made me obsessive and unhealthy.
I found a gym I liked towards the end of last year and joined, however my attendance fell off a cliff during December, due to all the aforementioned social occasions, recovering from those, and getting all my work done in a shorter working month.
I’ll be heading back next week (along with lots of January-gym-newbies, I’m sure) to restart my fitness journey, building it into my routine gradually, so that I don’t find it all too much and give up. Once a week for now seems manageable, and I’ll up the frequency when I’m ready.
Walking during these very chilly months is unappealing, but something I enjoy once I’m out there, so I’m aiming to do a lot more of that too. It’s always more fun with a buddy, so if anyone wants to go for walks, let me know.
There are a few other little goals that I have written down in my notes app, but those ones are just for me – you might hear about them if and when they happen, you might not…
Have you made any plans or goals for the New Year? Send me a DM on Instagram and tell me all about them (I’m very nosy).
And if you have the time and inclination, I’d love it if you could share my blog with anyone who might like it – I’ve just re-started blogging after a ~4 year hiatus, which you can read a bit about here.